How to remove rust from steel plate

How to remove rust from steel plate

1,Manual rust removal

Manual rust removal means workers remove the rust by some simple tools such as grinding wheel,grinding paper etc.

2.Rust removal by chemical method

It is a method that to remove rust from steel plate by chemical reaction.Usually putting steel plate in acidic solution or alkaline solution and make the rust away soon.There are the advantages via the method:fast;good result and easy to deal with,but attention should be paid to anti-corrosion and environmental protection issues.

3.Electrolytic derusting

Electrolytic derusting is a method of removing rust from steel plates by the action of electric current. Direct current is passed into the electrolyte to cause an oxidation reaction at the anode on the surface of the steel plate, removing the rust. Electrolytic derusting has the advantages of good rust removal effect and no damage to the surface of the steel plate, but it requires professional equipment and technicians to operate.

4、Sandblasting and shotblsting to derust

Sandblasting and shotblsting to derust is a method of achieving surface cleanliness and appropriate roughness by using the erosion effect of particle injection. It uses the pressure of compressed air to continuously impact the surface of steel plate with white fused alumina,brown fused aluina,garnet sand or steel grit to clean the rust, oil and other debris on the surface of steel, revealing the original appearance of metal steel rust. This method is highly efficient and thoroughly removes rust, and is a better rust removal process.For example,we have customers who use white fused alumina 16mesh to blast the steel plate.

Generally ,it is very necessary to remove rust from steel plate,because it not only can increase surface finish and corrosion resistance of steel plate,but also can extend the service life of steel plates.


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